Dodge Demon TransBrake Promises Neck Snapping Launches


If you weren’t already convinced that the SRT Demon was going to be the meanest street legal purpose built drag racer, this latest revelation of news should do the trick. In their quest to squeeze every last ounce of performance out of this car the SRT engineers have surprised us with the Dodge Demon TransBrake. Why is this a surprise? Well, previously transmission brakes were an aftermarket addition for “track-use only” applications. This makes the Dodge Demon the first ever production car to be outfitted with an OEM transmission brake that is also street legal.

The Dodge Demon TransBrake simply works by locking the output shaft of the transmission. This allows the car to remain stationary until it’s time to launch. As a function of this, increased engine launch torque and immediate power delivery affords the SRT Demon the highest launch forces ever seen out of a street legal production vehicle. Up to 40 percent more in fact over the two-foot brake torquing approach. Get ready to literally explode off the line.

A new lightweight brake package sits inside the skinny front-runner track wheels since the TransBrake is responsible for holding the SRT Demon back.

The old-fashioned way of tearing a strip off the white line was to hold the brake down with one foot and build engine revs with your other foot on the accelerator. That method though has 2 drawbacks – a slow driver reaction time and risk of the car unintentionally creeping ahead. The Dodge Demon TransBrake incorporates the steering wheel paddle shifters by utilizing either one as the launch trigger. As a result, reaction time increases by 30 percent and more consistent launches are achieved over two-footing launches.

TransBrake also works in concert with Torque Reserve to raise launch boost pressures by 105 percent and jack up engine launch torque by 120 percent. Engine revs are capped at 2,350 RPM for all brake-free launches.

As an added bonus, the Dodge Demon TransBrake features a driveline preload procedure to fully leverage the Torque Reserve system. This ensures that engine torque is pre-transferred completely through the driveline and out to the rear wheels. After triggering a launch with the paddle shifter it only takes 150 milliseconds for full engine torque to reach the insta-grip rear 315’s. The preload process lowers spike loads on the driveline, greatly reducing the chances of damaging its components.

Once again Dodge has left us with a cryptic code on a license plate – 8.3+317=534. We have no idea what it means but would love to hear your theories on it in the comments below.

Dodge Demon TransBrake


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